Dec 1, 2020 | Uncategorized
Keri MS Format Keri MS Credentials KC-10X Standard Light Proximity Key Card The most popular proximity card in existence, it is thin enough to be “wallet-friendly” yet durable enough to carry a lifetime warranty. It comes standard with a vertical...
Nov 25, 2020 | Uncategorized
MS Series Readers MS-7000X Proximity Reader This reader provides up to 15″ (38 cm) read range for applications where extra range adds to the convenience of the system, such as parking entrances. or reading through extra thick building materials. The reader...
Nov 25, 2020 | Uncategorized
MS Series Readers MS-5000X Proximity Reader Considered our Medium Sized Reader Provides up to 7″ (18 cm) read range and measures just 4.3″ x 3.0″ x 0.38″ (109 mm x 76 mm x 10 mm) IP67 Waterproof Medium Reader Size Up to 6" read range (15cm)...
Nov 25, 2020 | Uncategorized
MS Series Readers MS-4000 ShootingStar Vandal Resistant Proximity Reader This tough reader is designed for high crime areas, has a front surface that can withstand a bullet from a .357 or 9mm handgun and is flame resistant. The reader has front & rear...
Nov 25, 2020 | Uncategorized
MS Series Readers MS-3000X Proximity Reader The smallest MicroStar Reader 3.4″ x 1.4″ x 0.38″ (86 mm x 36 mm x 10 mm) with a read range of up to 4″ (10 cm). Lifetime warranty. IP67 Waterproof Small Reader Size Up to 4" read range (10cm) Reads...