Product Name Description
DNET-TPY-CL Telepathy-Additional Client
DNET-TPY-SVR Telepathy-Add App Server
DNET-TPY-GBL Telepathy-Global License

Graphic Map Access Control

Keriโ€™s TelepathyTM is a powerful, new, graphical mapping, command and control client that is enabled, free of charge, for a single site with the purchase of Keriโ€™s Doors.NET access control software. (A simple call to Keriโ€™s in-house support group is all thatโ€™s required to get a license modified to include Telepathy functionality.)

  • View and act on current alerts
  • Interactive floor plans
  • Dockable windows for multiple monitor use
  • Manage multiple sites from one Client
Telepathy allows users to graphically plot on a map styled representation of their building:
  • Doors
  • Alarm points
  • Outputs
  • Control equipment

Optional connections are capable through the purchase of additional connection clients. Customizable icons are dragged onto your floor maps to represent their physical location. Once linked to hardware, they can be triggered with the click of a mouse to meet a variety of threats, and incorporate sound alerts to ensure you never miss an event. The Map Diagram Editor lets a user easily import images of their building or buildings including associated floor plans. The Map Client allows a user to monitor multiple concurrent Doors.NET databases/sites in real time, from one Telepathy Client.

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We stand by our engineering and craftsmanship and are so confident of reliability that we back our products with extensive industry-leading warranties.

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Tell us your security project specifications

We begin the process with a 15-30 minute phone call to determine if we have a solution that can meet the needs of your job.

Together, we design an affordable solution

Our expert support team will help you design a security solution that meets your clientโ€™s needs and your financial requirements.

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