What’s new in Doors.NET 4.9.0?
Keri Systems are proud to announce several new features and improvements to our renowned client-server software Doors.NET. We have been working hard to bring new features and updates to our software, so that our customers can continue to get the most out of our products by staying up to date with their security.
Due to the ever-advancing nature of the security industry, it is vital for us to be constantly improving our products so that you can rest assured that your security system is as proactive as possible and equipped to deal with any new threats posed.
Along with a number of technical features, Doors.NET has also undergone program improvements to further streamline the management of your security system.
Below is an overview of some of the new features and improvements.
New features in Doors.NET (4.9.0):
- SimonsVoss has Gold Level certified our implementation of their lock sets since we began supporting them.
- Doors.NET now provides OSDP reader support on our NXT-MSC and Mercury controllers
- Our new “Work Hour Calculation” option collates the number of hours a cardholder has been in a facility on a daily basis, down to ‘per hour’ increments.
- Unique cardholder report – allows you to very quickly distinguish how many unique occupants you have had during a select period of time.
- An ‘Update Network’ option has been added to the controller menu, as well as an automatic configuration option for controllers.
- Cardholder Reports can now distinguish cardholders that have photos associated with their credentials, which cardholders do not, and can also ignore the photo status completely.
- Doors.NET can now track update and installation progress and over time.
- Now allowing the use of Mercury MR16IN and MR16OUT boards on our NXT-MSC controllers.
- Simulate credential feature – maintain auditing and reports even if an occupant has forgotten or lost their credential.
For a full list of new features and updates, download our ‘Release Notes’ here!
Enjoy powerful control software that lets you manage and monitor installations of any size — whether you’re securing 3 doors or 30,000.